2) Rethink Rubbish - make your own recycled rosette (£10) by Barley Massey. 4 different methods to create a stylish rosette style corsage and enough upcycled materials to make 5, then keep recycling your own materials and before you know it you'll be churning out lots of rosettes!
3) French knitting kit (£5) by Wool-n-Dance. For the young ones french knitting is a great lead into knitting on 2 needles. Or use it to make cording, decorative elements...
4) Know your Knots (£4.50) by Flights of Fancy. A great play on words and handy tube of skills - test your knotting knowledge!
5) Stitch -It Racoon key ring kit (£6.50) by the little experience. Pre cut felty bits to stitch together aimed at 6 - 12yr olds but adults have been making them too!
6) Piss Off! Cross stitch kit (£10.50) by Subversive stitcher Julie Jackson. Everything you need to create a cheeky sampler - mind your fingers!
7) Knit pack (£7.50) by Barley Massey. 9 balls of different salvaged re wound yarns, a set of needles and basic how to knit instructions with a few extra tips too (such as how to make yarn out of a plastic bag)
8) Make your own monster (£15) by Donna Wilson. A pre stitched monster that you can stuff and decorate with offcuts of Donna's wonderful lambswool textiles.
9) Knit - it Sheep kit (£10.50) by the little experience. Knit some mini sheep and transform the box into their pen!
10) The Ancient Lucet (£3.50) by Flights of Fancy. A simple devise to make strong non stretching braids such as friendship bracelets dating back to medieval times!
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